Amp'ed RF Tech

Amp'ed RF Tech

Amp'ed RF Technology is a leading global tech company that succeeds in delivering innovative Wi-Fi and Bluetooth solutions to challenging and complex problems. Their semiconductor components target markets that include audio, video, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Amp'ed RF's entire team has produced top-performing Wi-Fi connectivity and MCU technologies that enable smart connected devices and solutions for everyone, everywhere.
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Sản phẩm nổi bật
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Phần số Nhà sản xuất Mô tả Hàng tồn kho Số lượng Gói Địa vị Chi tiết
Amp'ed RF Tech RF TXRX MODULE BT CHIP SMD 5000 RFQ Bag Đang bán Chi tiết
Amp'ed RF Tech RF TXRX MODULE BLE LORA 5000 RFQ Đĩa Đang bán Chi tiết
1 / 1 Trang,Tất cả 2 Hậu quả

Danh sách RFQ