

Duracell has been a trusted brand of long-lasting batteries since the 1940s. They have become one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-performance alkaline, specialty cells, and rechargeable batteries. Duracell continues to innovate and improve their batteries to meet customer needs of superior quality and dependability.
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Phần số Nhà sản xuất Mô tả Hàng tồn kho Số lượng Gói Địa vị Chi tiết
Duracell BATTERY ALKALINE 1.5V D 6807 RFQ Box Đang bán Chi tiết
Duracell BATTERY ALKALINE 9V 2659 RFQ Box Đang bán Chi tiết
Duracell BATTERY ALKALINE 1.5V C 1135 RFQ Box Đang bán Chi tiết
1 / 1 Trang,Tất cả 3 Hậu quả

Danh sách RFQ