Intrepid Control Systems

Intrepid Control Systems

Intrepid Control Systems is a privately-held company located in suburban Detroit, Michigan. Intrepid focuses on providing high technology computer software and hardware services and products. Intrepid was founded on July 8, 1994 and legally incorporated in the State of Michigan on June 18, 1996. Over the last two decades, the company has completed many engineering projects. It has also developed and successfully marketed numerous products, adding to its portfolio of offerings annually. Intrepid has developed an impressive list of clients from Fortune 100 companies to individual hobbyists.
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Intrepid Control Systems VALUECAN 4-2A (2X CAN FD, USB-A) 10351 RFQ Case Đang bán Chi tiết
Intrepid Control Systems neoOBD2 Simulator is a low cost 3525 RFQ Case Đang bán Chi tiết
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Danh sách RFQ