

IOT747 is a leading provider of bluetooth audio and data modules and solutions. IOT747 products are deployed in over one million devices including wireless speakers, headsets, automotive systems, industrial, enterprise applications as well as general consumer electronics. IOT747 modules allow OEMs to add easily and quickly, any advanced custom bluetooth or bluetooth low energy audio functionality to their products. Support is a major part of IOT747 module offering. The resources and documentation are easy to access. And the support team is formed by experienced engineers. IOT747 provides very cost efficient custom hardware and software services. By using pre-build firmware and hardware libraries, IOT747 can develop quickly from prototyping (MVPs) to production.
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IOT747 RF TXRX MODULE BT 5.2 CHIP SMD 5091 RFQ Băng và cuộn (TR) Đang bán Chi tiết
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Danh sách RFQ