

IoTize is a French technology start-up based near Grenoble, a European hub for micro and nanotechnologies. In collaboration with industry-leading partners, IoTize designs and manufactures a range of wireless connectivity solutions for microcontroller-based embedded systems (TapNLink) and systems implementing any industry-standard system BUS (TapNPass). To meet the demands of diverse use cases in the Internet of Things (IoT), IoTize solutions integrate a range of wireless technologies ranging from Near Field Communications (NFC), Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to LPWAN technologies such as LoRA and SigFox. All IoTize solutions are designed for plug'n play integration into existing system designs thus reducing time-to-market and risks associated with migrating them to the IoT.
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Sản phẩm nổi bật
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Phần số Nhà sản xuất Mô tả Hàng tồn kho Số lượng Gói Địa vị Chi tiết
IoTize MCU IN-CIRCUIT DEBUG/PROGRAM BRD 2470 RFQ Box Đang bán Chi tiết
IoTize RF TXRX MOD NFC INT PCB CONN MT 9126 RFQ Đĩa Đang bán Chi tiết
1 / 1 Trang,Tất cả 2 Hậu quả

Danh sách RFQ