

LulzBot® was founded in January 2011. The company is currently headquartered in Fargo, North Dakota, where they develop, support and manufacture their products using quality domestic and imported parts. LulzBot® 3D Printers are renowned globally for their reliability, ease of use and versatility, backed by outstanding technical support. LulzBot® is dedicated to products that come with freely licensed designs, specifications, and documentation. Because of this dedication to open source, LulzBot® 3D printers can be understood, modified, and improved by the community of users. LulzBot® 3D printers can be found enabling innovation at Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, major research institutions and universities, K-12 schools, libraries, and more. With LulzBot® desktop 3D printers you can make things you need, things you want, and things you never saw coming. Make progress, make mistakes, and by all means make mischief. Come to think of it, make everything.
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LulzBot TAZ SIDEKICK LE RED EDITION 7459 RFQ Hầu hết Đang bán Chi tiết
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Danh sách RFQ