NextGen Components

NextGen Components

NextGen Components, Inc. is a general line Electronics Components Distributor that began business in Irvine, USA. we moved to a new office with a warehouse located in Lake Forest, CA. NextGen Joined ECIA Distributor membership to support customers better in the market. We offer equivalents for most competitor’s devices. Main products include Quartz Crystal, Crystal Filter, Crystal Oscillator, Ceramic Filter, Resonator & Discriminator, SAW Filter and SAW Resonator, Relay, LED Display/LED Lamps, Inductor, Thermistor, Diodes, and Temperature Sensor.
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Phần số Nhà sản xuất Mô tả Hàng tồn kho Số lượng Gói Địa vị Chi tiết
NextGen Components SiC Schottky 1200V 10A TO220- 2L 6000 RFQ Ống Đang bán Chi tiết
NextGen Components SiC Schottky 1200V 30A TO247- 2L 2400 RFQ Ống Đang bán Chi tiết
NextGen Components SiC Schottky 1200V 20A TO247- 2L 2400 RFQ Ống Đang bán Chi tiết
1 / 1 Trang,Tất cả 3 Hậu quả

Danh sách RFQ