SUSI Adapters

SUSI Adapters

Founded in 1995 by engineer and inventor Chris Matthews, SUSI Adapters, Inc. changed the way electric meters were installed by inventing and developing the Flush Mount socket adapters and retrofit adapters for the electric meter industry. That transformed meter replacements from matching the old existing meter to, “Any meter for any panel with SUSI Adapters”, which created tremendous flexibility (in vendor, cost and features) for the end user. He asked the simple question “What do you have and what do you want?” then figured out how to make that happen.
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SUSI Adapters ADAPTER FOR 9S SOCKET METER 2839 RFQ Hầu hết Đang bán Chi tiết
SUSI Adapters Adapter for 9S KYZ Socket Meter 8359 RFQ Hầu hết Đang bán Chi tiết
1 / 1 Trang,Tất cả 2 Hậu quả

Danh sách RFQ